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Lambda Control - CORS

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Adds Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) support to Lambda Controller.


To Install

npm i @dotmh/lambda-controller-cors

Requires Lambda Controller to be installed. Lambda Controller is a peer dependancy and so won't be installed automatically


The CORS plugin usage is slightly different to other plugins. To use CORS I recommend it you add it to the contrustor of your controller.


const Controller = require('@dotmh/lambda-controller');
const cors = require('@dotmh/lambda-controller-cors');

class MyController extends Controller {
  constructor(event, ctx, cb) {

This will add the cors plugin and configure the cors headers.

You will notice that we call a function to add, this is because the cors plugin supplies a factory unlike other plugins.


The CORS plugin supplies a factory unlike other Lambda Controller plugins. This is so that you can pass it a configuration. The CORS plugin takes a list of allowed origins that CORS requests can come from.

Configuration Object

  // .... your controller class 
    allowed: [
  // ... the rest of your controller 

Configuration Options


allowed accepts ether a list of allowed domains , a single domain or a ''. Whent the '' is used cors is added to all hosts i.e. allow all.

Extra Steps

To fully support CORS in AWS API Gateway we have to do some extra configuration. If you are using the Servless Framework.

Options Route

CORS uses a preflight to the route to get the CORS headers before making a full request. To support this we have to configure the a route for options. To support this the mixin automatically adds a cors route handler to your controller called corsOptions. So we need to configure a handler for that

module.exports.corsOptions = function (event, ctx, callback) {
	(new Controller(event, ctx, callback)).corsOptions();

and then add that as an http event in the serverless.yml

    handler: handler.corsOptions
      - http:
          path: "/"
          method: options
            origin: '*'
            - Content-Type
            - X-Amz-Date
            - Authorization
            - X-Api-Key
            - X-Amz-Security-Token
            - X-Amz-User-Agent
            allowCredentials: true

Every other route

API Gateway needs to know what it should do with CORS requests. I.e. it needs enabling. This has to be done on everyone of your route

To do this you have to add the cors property to your route.

  origin: '*'
  - Content-Type
  - X-Amz-Date
  - Authorization
  - X-Api-Key
  - X-Amz-Security-Token
  - X-Amz-User-Agent
  allowCredentials: true

PLEASE NOTE I hope to update this readme with the steps required when using AWS SAM soon.


For the API documentation see

Or to read locally

npm run readdocs


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